Meeting David – Part 2 – The First Few Days

The First Few Days (Part 2)

Monday Morning

I swung my backpack onto my right shoulder, slammed the car door and waved goodbye to mum before turning and heading into the school. I was heading straight for the library to meet Tiffany. We met up everyday at the benches just outside the library and today I could wait to get there and tell her how David and I had texted all afternoon yesterday.

As I approached the library I could already see Tiffany sitting on the benches reading her book. She always looked amazing, her long brown hair gently blowing in the breeze, her tight little body hugged beneath her school top and short school skirt.

She was so engrossed in her book that she didn’t see me walking up. When I got a few metres away from her I yelled out, “Hey Tiff.”

She glanced up at me as she replied, “Oh hey Jess. Ready for the start of another week?”

“Ugh no! Why can’t the weekends have another day.”

Tiffany laughed at me whilst shaking her head, “My god you say some stupid stuff.”

“But its true, imagine a three day weekend!”

“Yes ok ok,” she mockingly replied, “I agree it would be freaking amazing but its still a stupid comment.”

“Oh my god you are soooo mean to me,” I said as I plonked myself down on the bench beside her. “Guess what?”.

She paused, scratching her chin, “Hmmmm let me think?.

“Come on guess already!” I yelled at her.

“Jeez, I’m thinking you know.”

Poking my finger at her, I said, “Why do I put up with you?”

“You love me?” Tiffany turned her head and fluttered her eyes at me.

“Are you going to guess?” I said impatiently.

“Ummmm, your still wet from our play Saturday night?!” She laughed at me.

Slightly caught off guard by her remark, I’m sure I turned bright red as she had said it just loud enough that anyone walking by would have over heard it.

“Stop it!” I rebutted, “be serious!”

“Ok sorry, what is it?”

“Well I was pretty much texting David all day and night yesterday after I got home!” I excited commented with a big smile plastered across face.

“I knew it! You too have hit it off!” Tiffany said poking me. “And that explains why you were taking soooooooo long to reply to me then.”

“Was I?”

“Ugh yeh you were.” She said raising her eyebrows at me. “So tell me all about it?”

Unfortunately even before I could begin to give her any of the details we were abruptly interrupted by the bell ringing for class to start.

We quickly gathered up our bags and hoped up. As I turned to head off for my first class

“I’ll tell you all about it at lunch time,” I said before turning and heading towards the science block.

“You better.” Tiffany said as she laughed and started skipping off toward her first class.

The next few days

David and I continued to swap more and more messages over the next few days. I was pleasantly surprised just how free flowing the conversation was – he wasn’t like the normal teenage boys that I usually conversed with who were either totally awkward and unable to hold a conversation (even over text), or the ones that were trying to hard to impress (a total turn off!) or the one ones that were just interested in one thing – sex! You cannot comprehend the number of dick pics a girl gets from guys these days – and quiet simply put – eeeewwww.

But with David it was totally different – our conversations were free flowing – for the most part over the last few days, other than a few innocent flirtatious texts, the conversations were innocent as we slowly got to know each other.

Conversations started first thing in the morning – an early morning text from and to each other was the highlight of both Monday and Tuesday, and throughout both days despite me being at school and David having both college and work we managed to text pretty much constantly throughout the day and into the night. I think by the end of Tuesday evening Tiffany was getting sick of me being totally consumed by texting with David – but I know she understood!

It was amazing the connection we had established so quickly – our minds seemed to be in tune with each other – the same sense of quirky sense of humour, similar interests, similar moral standing … we just seemed to get each other.

Wednesday Night

I looked down at my phone. 10:16pm. Four minutes since I last checked it. God, I thought to myself, time seems to be dragging tonight and I just couldn’t manage to relax enough to fall off to sleep. I was a little on edge because David hadn’t messaged at all today – only one good morning message first thing this morning and then nothing!

I know that seems crazy considering we had only been texting for the last few days but we had been messaging constantly on and off all day and late into each evening since Sunday – and I missed it.

Getting messages from David was like an addiction – each new message was a hit, and once it starts you don’t want it to stop… and when it does and your forced to go cold turkey you get obsessed with wanting another hit even more…. today I found myself constantly checking my phone, waiting, waiting, waiting.

But still nothing. Thankfully I wasn’t obsessive to the point of harassing him with a barrage of texts – so easily done and I’d been on the receiving end of that more than once and it isn’t pleasant. Throughout the day I’d only sent him two text messages… one to reply back to his good morning message and another earlier this afternoon with just a casual “Hope everything’s ok? xxoo”.

Honestly if he was going to ghost me – that was his choice and I would be disappointed but I’d get over it in a day or two. I rolled over again with a huff and puff of frustrating and start typing a message to Tiffany.


I threw my phone onto my bed as I hoped up and headed off to the kitchen to get a drink of water. As I was in the kitchen I heard my phone ding ding.

After having my refreshing drink, I headed back to my room and hoped back into bed. As I grabbed my phone I was expecting that the message I got would be another text from Tiffany but to my surprise it was from David.


I reread the message again… it was kinda infuriating me… was that it? Over 12 hours of silence and a “Hey Jess, you awake?” is all he could text!

For a brief moment I contemplated not replying, or even replying with a snide comment – but I figured that achieved absolutely nothing … so I took a deep breath and replied.


Moments later my phone was ringing – it was David!

After David called I was so excited and just had to ring Tiffany straight away. The phone rang, and rang, and rang. “Pick up, pick up, pick up.” I said to myself with each ring, and then finally Tiffany picked up.

“Hello Jess, what’s…” Tiffany started to say before I madly interrupted her and screamed down the phone.

“Tiff, you are not going to believe it.”

“What? What? What? Tell me. Tell me. Tell me.” Tiffany responded in her normal bubbly self.

“David finally rang me and he just asked me out for Saturday night!”…

“Oh my god Jess, that is amazing news! I told you not to worry that he had not messaged you all day.”

“Yes, he explained he got called into work last minute and in his mad rush forgot his phone and then went straight out to dinner with his dad. And then as soon as he arrived home he messaged me and then called. Oh my god I’m so excited.” I rambled in a single breath.

“I can tell,” Tiffany giggled down the phone. “So give me details – do you know where your going? What your going to wear? Come on come on, tell me!”

“Well, he said he would text me tomorrow to confirm details but he said he wanted to take me out for a dinner at a restaurant.”

“Oh wow, a proper date huh?” Tiffany exclaimed.

“Yep I told you he was a good sort.”

“Well lets hope so!”

“And I have absolutely no idea what I should wear. Maybe you need to come round tomorrow and help me choose out some possible outfits?”

“Why ofcourse I can do that.”

My mind was going at a million thoughts a minute…

“And maybe I can stay at yours Friday night and you can help me get ready?”

“For sure – that will be awesome.” Tiffany with an excited tone.

“Alright alright, I think I am gonna try and get some sleep now Tiff.”

“Yeh me too, it is getting late. Let’s talk tomorrow.” 

Friday Night – Late night fun – Twenty Questions

It was just after 7pm – Tiffany and I had just finished cleaning up for dinner and were now going to head down to her rumpus room to relax for the rest of the evening.

I fell backwards down onto the couch and breathed a deep sigh.

“Excited about tomorrow?” Tiffany asked sitting down on the couch beside me. As she sat down, she dragged the black wool blanket up and over us and snuggled in against me.

“I really am. It’s been a while since I’ve been out on a date, and even longer since I had such a strong interest in someone before going out with them.”

“Well you two already seem to be connected,” she said mocking me, “I mean you haven’t stoped texting him since last weekend!”

“You are so funny” I said, but coincidentally just as she said that my phone dinged.

“See, I bet thats him!”

I looked down at my phone and chuckled.

“I told you so.” Tiffany stated with authority.

I ignored her comment – already opening up my phone to read the message. Sensing my distraction Tiffany lay down on my lap, flicked the tv on and started watching a movie. At the same time, I opened the messages chat up on my phone and started texting with David.


I looked down at Tiffany, who was laying in my lap gently stroking my inner thigh, and said, “David says Hi.”

“Oh isn’t he cute,” she smirked leaning her head back to look at me. “Ask him to come join us?”

“Tiff!” I exclaimed, “it’s not like that!”

“I know, I was only joking!”


I softly traced my fingers through Tiffany’s hair as my mind drifted off thinking about tomorrow night. I was excited but anxious at the same time – it had been a few months since I had broken up with my ex and I was ready to move on. I was hopeful that David would be that guy that I could move on with!

I was snapped back into reality by my phone dinging again…






“My god Jess you’ve nearly missed the entire movie,” Tiffany said jokingly. “I hope you’re getting into some saucy sexting.”

“Oh hush, it’s just fun to get to know more about each other.”

“Oh I am sure its more than that!”

“I told you – it’s not like that.” I said thrusting my phone down in front of her face. “See.”

She snatched the phone of me and started skimming through my messages before stating “I like him even more now!”

As my phone buzzed again, Tiffany casually handed the phone back to me and said, “You have another message from lover boy!”

Poking my tongue out at her I took the phone back flicked open the message to read it.



I sat there and read his message again – “for us in the future.” It seemed so right for him to say that already – I liked thinking about it already… and it was nice that he did too. Whilst it might see weird to some – in this day and age of technology forming a connection can happen so quickly – I just hoped it was as good tomorrow night as it had been all week!



Even a simple answer like that made me see the difference between David and other guys I’d gone out with – most others guys would be thinking about the physical stuff straight away – and not date two!

My mind wandered to thinking about his question. Where did I want to be in 10 years time?

As I pondered his question, Tiffany stirred from my lap where she had dozed off just before the end of the movie.

“Are you two still texting?” She asked sleepily looking up at me.

“We are,” I said with a grin on my face.

“Well I might head off to bed if your going to be a while?” She asked as she sat up from the chair.



My mind instantly drifted back to last weekend and the intense play I had with Tiffany. Just thinking about it turned me on more. But I wasn’t sure that I should tell David about it – at least not just yet – besides both Tiffany and I knew, and respected, that when we started going out with someone our sexual plays quickly stopped.



I flicked back up to my message – had I really said that! I read over the message again – “last time I had sex with a guy”… there it was in black and white. My stomach turned a little bit, but I took a deep breath I still didn’t need to tell David anything if I didn’t want to.

I starting typing out my message … deleted it… typed it again… and deleted it again before deciding honesty is the best policy.


I was already starting to get turned on – but the just the thought of David touching me started making me even more on edge… my right hand which wasn’t holding my phone started softly tracing over my thigh.


As I waited anxiously for David’s reply – my mind continued to think of all the things I wanted David to do to me right now… my hand slowly traced up my thigh and over my panties – I could already feel a little moisture forming through the fabric. I closed my eyes and imagined my hand was David’s….

I stopped… and came to my sense, and before he could reply I sent another message to him.


Still turned on from thinking about David, I slowly got up off the couch and headed for bed. My mind was full of lustful thoughts, dreaming of what might be tomorrow.

I took my nightie top of and slipped out of my panties before sliding into Tiffany’s bed. She was was already in a deep sleep. What a night I thought to myself just as my phone dinged again.


And with that I put my phone down in the bedside table. I stretched my arm over Tiffany – tracing my finger over her soft skin as she slept thinking about her and David…. and as I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep as my thoughts drifted off into a dream imagining the possibilities that tomorrow night was going to be the start of.